Research Opportunities

TBI Quality of Life Research Project

The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago is looking for persons who have sustained a  traumatic brain injury to take part in an important research project. The research addresses quality of life issues following brain injury. Participants will complete several questionnaires in an interview format. The interviews can be done in person or on the phone. Participants will be compensated progressively for each round of completed interviews. If interested, call (312) 238-2858 and ask about the TBI Quality of Life Research Project.
Click here for the flyer

Have you suffered a concussion or brain injury within the last 5 years?

If so, please consider participating in a research study at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. It is designed to test the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating insomnia. You would come to the RIC campus (345 E. Superior St., Chicago) for clinic visits, and you will receive $75.00 for your participation. If interested, please call 312-238-0724.
Click here for the flyer

  This website project was supported in part by Grant Number H133A080045A from NIDRR (National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIDRR.